Control the crowds
- Counting system to know the number of entries and exits in real-time
- To inform visitors and the site manager
- To allow or not the access to spaces
Attendance and waiting time
- Real-time measurement of on-site attendance and waiting time
- Pedestrian flows at entrances
- Distribution of waiting times: number of people waiting 1min, 2min,...
- Dashboard and web app to follow the flows of people, attendances, occupancy rates, waiting times,...
Attendance and waiting time predictions
- Real-time traffic management : forecasting travel times, sending alerts in case of high people densities,...
- Dynamic optimization of resources: reception staff and desks,...
- Improvement of visitor comfort (Quality of mobility)
Interactive screen management system
- Allows user requests: guidance, vote, quiz, game...
- Manageable in real time by an organizer: displays a message (evacuation, containment, reminder of the start of a conference, new schedule...)
- Compatible with any screen
Smart data driven screens
- Content changes automatically (prioritized scenarios) based on traffic, waiting time, or other available data
- Reorientation of visitors to available reception desks or less dense areas
Pedestrian flow planning
- Configure in advance spaces that will welcome the public
- Account for centers of interest of the visitors
- Predict congested areas
- Releasing an audience into a space